
Privacy Policy

Last Update: Nov 18, 2023


This website (, its owner and operator; Zabel, a brand of Zabels Fashion, hereinafter referred to as "Company", "we", "our", "us", is committed to advising you of the right to your privacy and strive to provide a safe and secure user experience.  This Privacy Policy sets forth the online data collection and usage policies and practices that apply to our website (


By using our website, you explicitly accept, without limitation or qualification, the collection and use of the personally identifiable information and non-personally identifiable information about you in the manner described in this policy. Please read this Statement carefully as it affects your rights and liabilities under the law. If you disagree or do not accept with the way we collect and process your PII or Non-PII, please do not use this website, including all other collectively owned web sites.


Company believes in 100% permission-based marketing. Company has created this privacy policy (the "Privacy Policy") in order to disclose our information gathering and dissemination practices. You agree to this Privacy Policy, in its entirety, when you: (a) open, preview or click on the advertising portion of the e-mails and/or sms text messages we send on behalf of Company, or on behalf of third party websites and organizations ("Affiliated Partners"); and/or (b) provide any personal information to us by and through various registration forms, web pages and other online media (collectively, "digital and online media).


If you are a resident of the State of California and would like to opt-out from the disclosure of your personal, please contact us. Please be advised that where California residents opt-out from permitting their personal information to be shared, such individuals may still receive selected offers directly from us, in accordance with the law. You may view our CCPA notice.


Personally Identifiable Information Collection:


We collect your personally identifiable information when you (a) open, preview or click on the advertising portion of the e-mails and or sms text messages we send; and/or (b) provide any personal information to us by and through various digital media. We may also collect your personally identifiable information when you otherwise agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, but do not complete the applicable registration process in full. The types of personally identifiable information that we collect may include, without limitation, and depending on the registration form, your: (a) full name; (b) e-mail address; (c) home telephone number; (d) mobile telephone number; (e) home address; and (f) any and all other information requested on the applicable registration form.


Personally Identifiable Information Use:


By submitting your personal information by and through our digital marketing efforts, you agree that we may use this personal information for purposes including but not limited to; follow up sales, reminders, advertising, marketing, promotion, and data management. These data management may include, but are not limited to: (a) providers of services and applications, (b)lookup and reference, (c)data enhancement, (d)suppression and validation.


We may also employ other companies and/or individuals to perform certain functions on our behalf. Examples include sending direct and electronic mail and sms text messages, data centers for data storage and management purposes, telcos and internet providers that provide conduit for transmitting data content, removing duplicate information from user lists, processing data, analyzing data and providing marketing analysis. The agents performing these limited functions on our behalf shall have access to our users' personal information as needed to perform their functions for us. We DO NOT permit these agents to use your personal information for any other purposes. We DO NOT allow these agents to share, retain, transfer, sell or lease your personal information.


We will also use your personal information for customer service, to provide you with information that you may request, to customize your experience on our digital media and/or to contact you when necessary in connection with transactions entered into by you on our digital media, if any. We may also use your personal information for internal business purposes, such as analyzing and managing our business. We may also combine the information we have gathered about you with information from other sources. We may use third parties to help us operate our business and our digital marketing efforts. We DO NOT allow third parties to obtain, possess, retain, or transfer your personal information.

Text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will NOT be shared with any third parties.


We also reserve the right to release current or past user information in the event that we believe that the user is using, or has used, our products, services and/or our digital media: (i) in violation of this Privacy Policy or any other of our operating rules, policies, price schedules and other supplemental terms and conditions or documents that may be published by us from time to time; (ii) to commit unlawful acts; (iii) if such information is subpoenaed or requested pursuant to a judicial or regulatory proceeding or inquiry; (iv) if we are sold or acquired; and/or (v) when we deem it necessary or appropriate including, without limitation, sharing your e-mail address with other third parties for suppression purposes in compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, as amended from time to time, and Federal Trade Commission implementing regulations.


By submitting your e-mail address and/or your mobile phone number by and through our sites or digital media advertisements and/or newsletters, you agree to receive e-mail marketing and or sms text messages from Zabels Fashion (including other Zabel properties). In addition, by submitting your personal information by and through our digital marketing practices, you agree that such act constitutes an inquiry and/or application for purposes of the Amended Telemarketing Sales Rule (16 CFR §310 et seq.), as amended from time to time (the "Rule") and applicable state do-not-call regulations. As such, notwithstanding that your telephone number may be listed on the Federal Trade Commission's Do-Not-Call List, and/or on applicable state do-not-call lists, we retain the right to contact you via telemarketing in accordance with the Rule and applicable state do-not-call regulations.


In addition, by submitting your personal information by and through our digital media, you agree to receive mobile marketing including, but not limited to, text-message based marketing, from us (where, and to the extent that, such marketing is permitted by applicable law). As such, notwithstanding that your mobile telephone number may be listed on state and/or federal Do-Not-Call registries, we retain the right to contact you via text- message based marketing in accordance with applicable state and federal law.


Non-Personally Identifiable Information Collection and Use:


When you open, preview or click on the advertising portion of our e-mails or sms text messages or other digital media, we collect such response data for our internal marketing purposes ("Response Data"). We may ourselves use your Response Data, in order to send you e-mails and other marketing messages regarding products, services and special offers that we, as applicable, believe may be of interest to you.


We may collect certain non-personally identifiable information about you when you visit certain of our digital media. This non-personally identifiable information may include, without limitation, the type of browser that you use (e.g., Netscape, Internet Explorer), your IP address, the type of operating system that you use (e.g., Windows or Mac OS) and the domain name of your Internet service provider (e.g., America Online, Earthlink). We use the non-personally identifiable information that we collect to improve the design and content of our Online Media and to enable us to personalize your Internet experience. We also may use this information in the aggregate to analyze usage of our Online Media, as well as to offer you products and services. We also reserve the right to use aggregate or group data about our visitors for any and all lawful purposes. Aggregate or group data is data that describes the demographics, usage and/or characteristics of our visitors as a group.

Text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will NOT be shared with any third parties.




When you visit our digital media, sites and properties, we may send a cookie and/or gif file ("Cookie") to assign an anonymous, unique identifier to the applicable end-user's Internet browser. A Cookie is a piece of data stored on your hard drive containing non-personally identifiable information about you. Cookies have many benefits to enhance your experience with our digital media. To find out more about Cookies, please visit To disable and reject certain Cookies, follow the instructions associated with your Internet browser. Even in the case where a user rejects a Cookie, he or she may still use our digital media. We reserve the right to retain Cookie data indefinitely.


Correct, Update or Delete Your Information:


You can learn if we have any of your personal information in our database, what that information is, and you can correct, modify, update or delete any and all such information by contacting us.




You may unsubscribe from any of our e-mail marketing programs and/or sms text message marketing programs at any time. In every e-mail communication and/or sms text message that we send, there is an unsubscribe hyperlink or unsubscribe mechanism that allows the recipient to unsubscribe from the specific marketing list by simply clicking the hyperlink provided and/or following the instructions that follow. We attempt to process all unsubscribe requests in a prompt fashion. However, after unsubscribing, we cannot guarantee that you will never receive another mailing from us because we may obtain your e-mail address and or mobile number in the future through; a different media that you have subscribed to, marketing campaign that you have subscribed into, or have re-subscribed. However, you will be able to remove your e-mail address and or mobile phone number via the unsubscribe hyperlink contained in any such communication or by following the provided instructions within the message received.


If you wish to discontinue receiving email messages and/or sms text messages from Zabel, you can either: (a) contact us, or (b) unsubscribe by following the instructions in each promotional message sent by Zabel.

Zabel is able to offer its free services, in part, based upon the willingness of end-users to be contacted by our marketing partners, including affiliated advertisers.




All collected information is stored in a technically and physically secure environment. When the registration/application process on any of our digital media asks users to enter sensitive information (such as bank account information, credit card information, etc), and when we store and transmit such sensitive information, that information is encrypted and is protected with SSL encryption software. While we use SSL encryption to protect sensitive information online, we also do everything in our power to protect user information off-line. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information that you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we make reasonable efforts to ensure its security on our systems. Access to this information is strictly limited, and not accessible to the public. All of our users' information, not just the sensitive information mentioned above, is restricted in our offices. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example customer service representative) are granted access to personal information. Our employees and contractors are dedicated to ensuring the security and privacy of all Zabeluser information. Employees not adhering to our firm policies are subject to disciplinary action.


Security Breach:


In compliance with applicable federal and state laws, we shall notify you and any applicable regulatory agencies in the event that there has been an information security breach. You will be notified via e-mail in the event of such a breach. Please be advised that notice may be delayed in order to address the needs of law enforcement, to determine the scope of network damage, and to engage in remedial measures.


Third Party Links:


Zabel does not endorse, nor is Zabel responsible for the accuracy of, the privacy policies and/or terms and conditions of any of the advertisers and/or third parties accessible through our digital media or any of the e-mails sent by us including, without limitation, our Affiliated Partners. In some cases, you may be required to provide certain information to register or complete a transaction on the web properties of such third parties. Such entities are independent third parties and not affiliated with Zabel. These third-parties have separate privacy and data collection practices and we have no responsibility or liability relating to them. We encourage end-users to review the privacy practices and terms of use of any such entities.


Changes to this Privacy Policy:


We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add and/or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time. All Privacy Policy changes will take effect immediately upon their posting. Your continued acceptance of our e-mails or accessing of our digital media following the posting of changes to these terms will mean that you accept these changes and agree to continue receiving e-mails from us. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please unsubscribe

California Consumer Privacy Act Rights for California Residents:

Beginning on January 1, 2020, if you are a resident of California, you have additional rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act regarding certain personal information Zabel may have about you. For more information about these rights and about SZabel  Zabel's practices with regard to such personal information. See our CCPA notice.


Children's Privacy:


Zabel encourages parents and guardians to spend time online with their children and to participate and monitor the interactive activities of their children. Zabel is very sensitive to the issue of children's privacy and, therefore, we endeavor to protect the privacy of children using the Internet. We do not knowingly solicit or collect personal information from persons under eighteen (18) years of age. If a child has already provided us with personal information, his or her parent or guardian may contact us for the purpose of deleting this information.


Contacting Us about Privacy Questions or Concerns:


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us.


Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines
+63 947-537-8696

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